MMPI: About

Or maybe not all about me, because even I have limits.  Um…nevermind.

This is where I parade my fun assortment of afflictions, including my three children.  They fill my world with hilarity, and highlight my inability to function in anything like an organized manner.

There is the teen girl Elysia, ready to strike out on her own and certain that when it is her own apartment, she will have no problem washing dishes and folding laundry.  And throwing away the Chick-Fil-A cups of sweet tea on her desk that are  growing mold.

Four year old boy Ethan is mildly autistic.  And they tell me he has ADHD.  It’s  a lovely combination.  He is incredibly bright, and terribly funny (and I do mean terribly – it’s hard to keep a straight face while telling him he can’t tape his brother’s mouth shut, because frankly, sometimes I enjoy a little quiet).  My days are filled with inventions that include sweet potato toasters, vacuum cleaner hoses, and my entire supply of packing tape.  He’s adorable, and it’s a damn good thing.

Then there is Beckett.  Ah!  Sunshine and happiness, all the day long.  Well, maybe in comparison.  He is 18 months old as I write this, and trying to assert his independence just like his sister.  And really, their methods are often the same.  Arching their backs, screaming, throwing themselves on the floor.  You know.

As for me – I fill the void with yarn.  If you saw the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie, I am the yarn scene.  I am made of yarn, I puke yarn.  If I could knit sheets, a sofa, and a Tivo,  I would  be set.  If you didn’t see the movie, well…you might be in the wrong place.  I’m crafty, geeky, addicted to whatever is in front of me at the moment coffee.  I’m a birth junkie.  I love my mamacita friends.  I’m a perfectionist, and this page will be edited repeatedly until it reads nothing like it does now.  Either that, or I will get frustrated and quit.

I figure there must be someone else out there who believes she is uniqely crazy and an epic FAIL as a parent.  I’m here to show her that she isn’t.

10 Responses to “MMPI: About”

  1. Ok, you are hilarious. We have to get together! How far do you live from Seattle??? 😉

    PS. I love the comment about tinkering with your bio until it looks nothing like the original product. I wonder how long I can stare at these 5 lines before I finally am satisfied and hit ‘send’. 😛

  2. hintonrae Says:

    Hey, there–your blog is great! I picked up one of your cards in the coffee shop in Forest (LOVE IT) and was intrigued; it’s always nice to see another local blogger. Great idea–the card–I’m going to steal it. 🙂 I look forward to following more of your writing.


    • Thank you so much for visiting – I’m glad those cards attracted at least one person! Go to, they run specials all the time for 100 free business cards. You just pay for shipping and to upload an image if you want a custom graphic. They should start paying me I talk them up so much. 🙂

      Anyway, glad you enjoyed it, and I do hope you’ll be back. I’m normally funny, I think. This was just a necessary emotive experience for me. Or something.

  3. In the next to the last line, you misspelled uniquely. Well, you said you were a perfectionist and I am just trying to help.

  4. I think I found it! I’m so glad your blog is here. Makes me feel a bit less lonely, living in the woods in western loudoun county!

  5. okathleen Says:

    Beckett is a super choice nomenclature wise, I quite like Loveday

    Like your randomness..

  6. starlight coffee loves you.

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