Guess What! I’m An Award Winning Writer

Now that I’ve lured you in, you should know there’s no money involved. Do you hear that, teenage daughter?

But a new reader and a blog I just started following, Eric Richardville at Soupalaxy, has given me The Cherry Pie Award.

I hope this is not a joke at my expense, wherein I get a pie in my face.  I’m pretty sure it is legit; he seems so kind and genuine.

So a big thank you to Eric, and I hope to live up the honor.

18 Responses to “Guess What! I’m An Award Winning Writer”

  1. and here you thought it was just going to be another boring Monday. Congrats to you! You deserve it!

  2. Thank God my brain-mouth-fingers filter is working, saving us all from any and all cherry pie jokes/references, wait…damn! Well, congrats on your award, you deserve it! I’ve just been catching up on your blog, and I like it! Great job!

  3. 😎 Огомное 😆 количество 😉 слов и 😛

    😳 медицинской 😦 литературы. 😯 Мы постарались 😈

    • Yes, it is so hot and sunny here, Yuri, it’s hard to think. I’m glad you got that little problem with your teeth fixed, and don’t worry – I’ll keep it between the two of us. And don’t worry about the incident with the duct tape and the pickle – it could happen to anyone.

      Whoa – you’ve got a lot of nerve being shocked about my drunk in public charge. You’re no angel yourself!

      Well, all in all I’m glad you stopped by. I always wondered what my former boss saw in Russians. I guess now I know.

  4. Even if the Cherry Pie award is not legit, it can’t be bad! Enjoy it! Congrats!

  5. Plus he makes some astute points on the whole Ashlee Simpson attacking Michelle Trachtenberg debacle. Yuri is very current.

  6. BKT, I posted the other end of the train for you… check it out.

    • First – it’s gorgeous! It made me gasp, seriously! Powerful and exactly right. Would you ever allow me to print and frame those two? Let me know your terms. 😉

      Second – something about the way you phrased your comment was, um, of questionable meaning. Just gave me a chuckle, is all.

  7. Sings….SHE’S MY CHERRY PIE….oops thought that was just in my head.

    • I hate to say this, but I actually hope you’re referring to the Poison song, and not that part of the porn flick “Black Cherry Poppers.”

      Google is a wonderful thing.

  8. Kudos, BK. I’m a cherry fanatic myself.

  9. congratulations BarelyKnit! You AND alan! HOORAY!

    Its well deserved!


  10. Holy crapwoman! I bet you’ve never been called that? I didn’t just call you that either, I just forgot the space key in my excitement! I just checked out Fundamentaljelly and noticed your ‘workspace.’ On the far left of what you probably call your ‘desk’ (don’t feel bad I use a circa 70’s kitchen table) there is a glass and metal coffee cup. I have that exact set of coffee cups! The thing is, I live in Spain and bought them in Malaga; I can’t believe that you apparently have the same set! WTF? Sorry- little things get me exited sometimes. It IS kind of weird though right?

    • Totally weird! (I could go into the FJ, BKT, AT routine of teenspeak right now, but it’s too early in the morning here).

      I can’t even remember where I got them, but they’re cappuccino cups. They came with these weird long “spoons” with hollow handles almost like straws. I like them. No surprise we have similar taste in drinking vessels as well as writing. 😉

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